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Images Descriptions

Jolene MacDonald Portrait
By: Jolene MacDonald
April 28, 2021


Images Descriptions


As business owners, we are all trying to get a little more attention online.
One way to do so is through website content accessibility. 


Let’s look at the benefits of using image descriptions – also known as Alt tags or Alt text.


There will often be a logo at the top of the web page, and the Alt tag just reads “logo”. One of the reasons we use Alt tags is to give people who are blind information they can’t see. Screen readers are used by many people who have low vision or who are blind. This software moves through your website, and among other things, it “reads” images. So, describe your image! Give as much detail as you can. Paint the picture with words! As you will soon see, this will also help your website get more traffic and who knows – maybe even more sales!


Image Searches

Google, Bing, Pinterest, Snapchat and Amazon (to name a few) are all using image search function. This would be a pretty good indicator that image searches are gaining in popularity. People can now search for your products with a picture - all the more reason to give a good explanation of that product in an Alt tag. 


Another benefit is that search engines crawl through Alt tags when they look for information to store about topics. So, if you include keywords for your products in your image Alt tags, your site has another way to get noticed. How sweet is that? 


WCAG Compliant

If you were to look at examples of accessible websites, they would all have detailed and honest descriptions of their images in the Alt tags. Adding descriptive text is one step to making your website WCAG compliant. In Ontario, websites should legally be using Alt tags already. 


Search Engine Ranking

Google rewards websites that are accessible with higher rankings in searches. Yet another reason to add Alt tags to your images. However, if you have a large image that needs time to load on your page, it will negatively affect your ranking. Optimize your images, so they load quickly. Consider adding new images often with their Alt tags, as new content on your site also improves your ranking.


We’ve given you lots of reasons to use descriptive Alt tags on your website. Accessibility really does make good business sense! Now tag… you’re it.

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