The World Wide Web at your fingertips, right? Mostly, but not for everyone.

Andrew Tutty Portrait
By: Andrew Tutty
October 22, 2021

A laptop with blue paint smear blocking the contents of the screen.

Access is easy. Get a computer, an Internet service provider, a cell phone, take a few courses, and there you have it. The World Wide Web at your fingertips, right? Well, most people might think so, but not everyone.

Images Descriptions

Jolene MacDonald Portrait
By: Jolene MacDonald
April 28, 2021

Alt Text:  An image of a typewriter.

Text Tips for Accessibility

Jolene MacDonald Portrait
By: Jolene MacDonald
April 19, 2021

Woman in mask looking at laptop


Let’s look at the benefits of using image descriptions – also known as Alt tags or Alt text.