Writing Clear Messages

Jolene MacDonald Portrait
By: Jolene MacDonald
January 4, 2022

Surface covered in books

A French philosopher named Blaise Pascal said, “I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time.” Great copywriting takes time. It is not easy, but your effort will pay off!


The World Wide Web at your fingertips, right? Mostly, but not for everyone.

Andrew Tutty Portrait
By: Andrew Tutty
October 22, 2021

A laptop with blue paint smear blocking the contents of the screen.

Access is easy. Get a computer, an Internet service provider, a cell phone, take a few courses, and there you have it. The World Wide Web at your fingertips, right? Well, most people might think so, but not everyone.

The Oversights of Overlays

Van  Thompson Portrait
By: Van Thompson
August 26, 2021

Text reading oversights of overlays with an image of an accessiblity overlay beside it.

Unfortunately, automating a difficult task often has its problems. For some things, there is no easy, quick fix. Before you decide on an accessibility overlay, it's best to take a good look at what this technology can and can't do. 

The Importance of Human Experience in Accessibility

Van  Thompson Portrait
By: Van Thompson
August 6, 2021

laptop showing HTML code

Can an accessibility checker powered by artificial intelligence ever replace a real human auditor? Here’s why technology can’t do it alone. 

Text Tips for Accessibility

Jolene MacDonald Portrait
By: Jolene MacDonald
April 19, 2021

Woman in mask looking at laptop


Let’s look at the benefits of using image descriptions – also known as Alt tags or Alt text.